All tagged growth

We take some things to heart in ways that aren't helpful. Criticism—especially when mean-spirited—can crush our heart and break our spirit. Whether accurate or not, criticisms tend to play like a never-ending tape in our mind.

Flattery taken to heart is a trap. It's self-deluding and sets us up to fall when we crash into reality. Like someone who can't carry a tune trying out on the American Idol stage because family or friends tell them they sing well.

Discipleship isn’t about mimicking others, but following the example of those who follow Jesus.

If a person’s example doesn’t match that of the Lord, then don’t follow it or them. But if it does, it’s the wise path. This is how the Lord Jesus trained His disciples to be disciple-makers.

How do we know if it's the right example and path? We need both discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit that lines up with the truth of God's Word (1 Cor 2:12-14).

No spiritual leader, pastor, or teacher has all the answers, and no denomination or church has a corner on the truth. We are called to follow Jesus, not personalities or policies or pet theologies.