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All tagged Word of God
Personification brings an abstract and conceptual thought more real and relatable. Wisdom is often personified as a woman in Proverbs as a means of illustration, which I mentioned in an earlier post and in my study guide for Proverbs.
Personification makes things more personal, like BB King's guitar named Lucille and Willie Nelson's guitar Trigger. Ships and cars are often referred to as if feminine and sometimes characters or caricatures serve to personalize an attitude like Dickens' Scrooge and Dr. Seuss' Grinch.
What do you treasure? What is it that you value and cherish most in life? Perhaps it's people who you're close with, which is good, or it may be status or riches.
Whatever we hold closest in our hearts reveals what governs our life. Jesus said, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." (Matt 6:21 NIV)
Psalm 119 is the longest of all the Psalms—176 verses! It's also laid out as an acrostic where each verse starts with the same letter in each stanza for all 22 characters of the Hebrew alphabet. The first 24 verses would be similar to the first three letters of the English alphabet—A, B, C—Aleph, Beth, Gimel.
Cliches are so....cliche! And yet so many are used and overused. Why? Because talk is cheap. I know, that's a cliche on its own but it's true.
Thoughts are expressed in words but words are empty when left hanging in the air. If we say, "I'll call you," or "I'll pray for you," but never do, these are empty words.
Discipleship isn’t about mimicking others, but following the example of those who follow Jesus.
If a person’s example doesn’t match that of the Lord, then don’t follow it or them. But if it does, it’s the wise path. This is how the Lord Jesus trained His disciples to be disciple-makers.
How do we know if it's the right example and path? We need both discernment and guidance from the Holy Spirit that lines up with the truth of God's Word (1 Cor 2:12-14).
No spiritual leader, pastor, or teacher has all the answers, and no denomination or church has a corner on the truth. We are called to follow Jesus, not personalities or policies or pet theologies.