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Paradoxical Keys to Gain Wealth and Satisfaction in Life

Paradoxical Keys to Gain Wealth and Satisfaction in Life

Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

Paradoxes are counterintuitive

I remember when gas cost thirty cents ($.30) per gallon! Yes, that was a long time ago when I was in high school, living in a beautiful Southern California beach town. Sometimes I could find gas as cheap as a quarter a gallon!

That was then. This is now. Where I live in a NE Florida beach town, gas prices are hovering just under $4/gallon. Currently, gas is at least $2/gallon more where I grew up and all indications are it will increase over the coming months.

It’s funny how we can get so absorbed in how the price of goods affects us, but we’re not so concerned for others in the other parts of the world during difficult economic times. Each of us, regardless of where we live, has a myopic view of life. We’re concerned about ourselves most of the time.

You’ve likely heard the expression, “It’s not about you!” Perhaps you’ve said it. It’s become a favorite put-down when a person doesn’t want to answer someone or explain something.

The trouble is—we live in a world of “me.” It’s common for people to ask, “What’s in it for me?” Millions of selfies and personal opinions flood various social media daily.

The focus on getting rich and being satisfied is an American obsession. It occupies almost every free moment we’re awake, including daydreams at work, and perhaps even our dreams at night.

And yet, studies show the benefits of being less self-absorbed and helping others. This isn’t “breaking news,” we know this since ancient times.

Yet, the idea of growing rich and being satisfied in the following verses of Proverbs is based on unselfishness. These contrasting and complementary statements express the opposite of what you might think.

As I read these few verses, I realized how paradoxical and counterintuitive these proverbial statements are to the way our culture views life. Give them a read and see if they strike you in a similar way.


One person spends freely and yet grows richer,

while another holds back what he owes and yet grows poorer.

A generous person will be made rich,

and whoever satisfies others will himself be satisfied.

People will curse the one who hoards grain,

but a blessing will be upon the head of the one who sells it. (Proverbs 11:24-26 GW)

(Context—Proverbs 11:20-31 GW)

Simple Insights

The first of these three verses above clearly emphasizes the paradoxical nature of all these statements. Here it is from another Bible version—

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. (Prov 11:24 ESV)

As Jesus told His followers when He sent them out for ministry—"Freely you have received; freely give" (Matt 10:8 NIV). The nature of God’s Kingdom and God’s economy is being others-centric.

This is so contrary to the self-centered idea of getting rich. Remember that the wording of Proverbs about being rich or prosperous speaks of far more than material wealth (see link below or hereProverbs Study Guide).

Many Americans who travel to poorer nations see the generosity and hospitality of people living in poverty and marvel at it. Why? We often tie the concept of contentment and happiness to material possessions.

Can a person be generous and still become prosperous? Yes, especially in God’s economy. If the focus is on wealth and prosperity, it’s a setup for disappointment and discontent.

Many wealthy people give away substantial amounts of their wealth for the benefit of others. It’s called philanthropy. Of course, there are plenty of wealthy people who hold on to all of their wealth and possessions tightly but whose lives are empty and lacking satisfaction.

The obvious focus in these verses is on others. Not on ourselves. This is the point. It’s not a formula or scheme. It’s an attitude of the heart.

Want to be prosperous and satisfied? First, figure out what is motivating you. Also, are you thinking short-term or long-term?

If you run after personal riches and satisfaction, you might find it in the short run, but you’ll end up poor and dissatisfied in the end. But if your concern is for others, God will honor it. 

The Lord values those who care for and value others. And His blessing isn’t restricted by time—the present and future are all the same to Him. He often honors us with temporary wealth and satisfaction when we don’t hold on to it too tightly in this life.

The key to wealth and satisfaction that honors God and is a lasting blessing to us is unselfishness—when we are considerate of others, not just ourselves.


Running after personal riches and satisfaction in the short run leads to personal poverty and dissatisfaction in the end. But concern for others honors God who in turn will honor us for our unselfishness.

Prayer Focus—

Ask God for a heart that seeks what honors God and for an unselfish attitude of heart daily. As you seek God for this, look for the opportunities God brings into your life where you can give freely and enjoy what satisfies you in the truest sense.

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