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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Godly Wisdom Is a Tree of Life

Godly Wisdom Is a Tree of Life

Our life pursuit

What's your great pursuit in life?

What do you put most of your energy and interest into?

Accomplishments… goals… success... fame... love... pleasure... honor... respect... wealth… health… fulfillment... peace... contentment...?

Short-sighted pursuits are easily short-changed. They may leave a person empty. Yet, taking the longer view may lead to discouragement and impatience along the way.

When the focus of our pursuit has an enduring and essential value, it benefits us.

These benefits result from the promise of pursuing godly wisdom.

Countless people who've attained lofty goals and pursuits often experience an unexpected emptiness afterward. This is the honest admission of many athletes, entertainers, and successful business people.


Their goals and accomplishments—no matter how significant—were neither enduring nor essential to life.


⌊Wisdom⌋ is a tree of life for those who take firm hold of it.

Those who cling to it are blessed.

By Wisdom the Lord laid the foundation of the earth.

By understanding he established the heavens.

By his knowledge the deep waters were divided,

and the skies dropped dew. (Proverbs 3:18-20 GW)

[Context—Proverbs 3:13-20 GW]

Simple Insights

The value of godly wisdom exceeds any treasure or wealth someone possesses and outstrips any desire known on earth.

But fulfillment and a measure of wealth, even contentment, are benefits promised along the path of life when a person pursues godly wisdom.

The wisdom of God is a tree of life. It grows and spreads its branches in a person’s life as its roots deepen in their heart and mind.

Godly wisdom grounds a person in the very foundation and origin of all creation.

This wisdom enables a person to endure and weather the storms of life while drawing life and nourishment from the provision of God's goodness.

Seeking godly wisdom is a worthy life pursuit.


Is your life grounded in godly wisdom or are you pursuing other things? Those who pursue, take hold of, and cling to the wisdom of God will reap great benefits and fulfillment in life.

Prayer Focus—

Be willing to lay your goals, desires, and hopes in God's hands. Ask for the Lord’s guidance and trust Him to guide you each day by His wisdom planted in your heart and mind.

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