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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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A Time for Judgment

We give thanks to you, O God; we give thanks. You are present, and your miracles confirm that.

When I choose the right time, I will judge fairly. When the earth and everyone who lives on it begin to melt, I will make its foundations as solid as rock. Selah

I said to those who brag, “Don’t brag,” and to wicked people, “Don’t raise your weapons. Don’t raise your weapons so proudly or speak so defiantly.”

The ⌊authority⌋ to reward someone does not ⌊come⌋ from the east, from the west, or ⌊even⌋ from the wilderness. [vss 1-6]

@@God alone is the judge. He punishes one person and rewards another.@@

A cup is in the Lord’s hand. (Its foaming wine is thoroughly mixed with spices.) He will empty it, ⌊and⌋ all the wicked people on earth will have to drink every last drop.

But I will speak ⌊about your miracles⌋ forever. I will make music to praise the God of Jacob.

I will destroy all the weapons of wicked people, but the weapons of righteous people will be raised proudly. [vss 7-10]

For the choir director; al tashcheth; a psalm by Asaph; a song.  (Psalms 75:1-10 GW)

People have a penchant for judgment. This is true worldwide. We are quick to judge or condemn someone as guilty or wrong. You and me, we all do it at some point.

We look for someone or something to blame when something goes wrong. We are especially quick to accuse or find fault with those who disagree with us or have a different view of things.

Yet, when we are accused, blamed, or condemned, we're quick to claim our own innocence or at least justify ourselves in some way. When our wrong becomes clear, we'll quickly plead for mercy. And yet, we have a hard time extending mercy and forgiveness to those who seek it.

Yes, of course, we can all cite exceptions and claim our own innocence and rightness, but if we're honest our heart of hearts tells us different.

Presumption of innocence is a predominant legal right in most governments throughout the world. This precedent goes back to at least 6th century Roman law, and is also present in Islamic law, most European nations, and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

But history has shown that innocent people are too often falsely charged and condemned, especially poor and oppressed people, while the rich and and privileged elude justice.

This psalm reminds us there is One true judge whose judgment is impartial and according to His time, not ours.

When it comes to justice and mercy, our consolation and confidence needs to be in God, not in governments nor our self.

When the impulse rises within to accuse, blame, or condemn, we need to remember, "God alone is the judge."


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I won't cover all 150 Psalms, but do selective devotionals through the rest of Psalms.

So if I skip one that you like... let me know and I'll try to cover it!

I Will Remember

Slippery Places