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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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What Will It Take to Defeat the Big "C"?

Photo credit: lightstock.com I believe in a supernatural God. I've never understood the value of trusting in a god who isn't supernatural. After all, how could God be God if He isn't supernatural?

Cancer—the big C— is not supernatural. Yet, whenever the big C invades a life, it seems to generate a supernatural fear. Yet God, who is supernatural, doesn't seem to bring that kind of fear.

What does this tell us about ourselves? Why do we fear what is limited in scope, yet don't fear the One who is unlimited, eternal, infinite, and all-powerful?

What or Who do you fear?

Our gut-honest view of cancer and God reveals what governs our life.

I've seen how fear strikes the hearts of those dealing with cancer—the person who has it, and their family and friends.

I saw it sweep across the faces of my wife and children when it invaded my body. I saw it again when I announced it to the men in our Bible study. Cancer seems to breed fear.

[bctt tweet="Why do we fear what is limited, yet don't fear the One who is unlimited, eternal, and all-powerful?"]

Something to look forward to

I look forward to the day cancer is defeated. It may not be tomorrow or next week, but I know that day will come.

I've been praying for several friends dealing with cancer. Some battles are more intense than others, but they're all battles.

Cancer is an aberrant, militant, and vile disease in whatever form it takes. It is not natural nor intended by the Creator of our bodies. It is malignant—only harmful, never beneficial.

Yet, one day it will be defeated.

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.” Rev 21:3-4

Until then—the prayer of faith

I've prayed with and for many people dealing with cancer. I've witnessed people healed of cancer, and those winning their battle with it. But I've seen when it appears to win by taking their life.

My own bout with it is small in comparison to several I'm praying for now. But my own battle motivates me to battle for others.

I'm motivated to pray with genuine faith. When my faith is waning, I pray for faith (Luke 17:5).

When I pray for someone battling cancer—and it is a battle—I pray believing. I pray until God answers one way or another (Luke 18:1). I choose to fear God, not cancer (Matt 10:29-31)

Enter the battle for others

I want to encourage you to enter into the battle with believing prayer (Mark 9:23-24).

I have my list of people and I expect you have yours. Enter the battle on their behalf! It's called intercession—standing in the gap for others (Ezek 22:30)

Here's some further thought on the subject of prayer and real-life battles with cancer—

Dare I believe? (by Frank Romano)

Pastor Paul Hammontree


Trust That Leads to Contentment

How to Grow Rich Through Giving