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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

The Way

IMG_0898You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you’re going. So how can we know the way?” Jesus answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me. If you have known me, you will also know my Father. From now on you know him through me and have seen him in me.” (John 14:4-7 GWT) Is this a limitation or an invitation? Information or encouragement? How often these verses become a point of theological contention rather than the relational guidance it is. God has called people into relationship and through an open door to His presence, through His Son. ©Word-Strong_2013


He Listens