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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

The Helper

WS-devo_PMS“The helper whom I will send to you from the Father will come. This helper, the Spirit of Truth who comes from the Father, will declare the truth about me. You will declare the truth, too, because you have been with me from the beginning. I have said these things to you so that you won’t lose your faith. Now I’m going to the one who sent me. It’s good for you that I’m going away. If I don’t go away, the helper won’t come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you. (John 15:26, 27; 16:1, 5, 7 GWT) The Helper, God's Spirit, was sent so any believer would always know God's truth and presence. It is a gracious gift from God, of Himself, and is to be shared with others through our daily life. ©Word-Strong_2013

Smile on Me
