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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

Simplicity and Power

©tkbeyond/word-strong.com Stories have both simplicity and power. They engage the heart and mind. (Click to Tweet) This is what makes biblical storying so effective.

Biblical storying is the purest form of sharing the gospel. (Click to Tweet)

Simple, yet powerful

Here's an excerpt from a newsletter (from Simply the Story) about a Filipino pastor I've partnered with for many years. I have been his mentor, but he's also my mentor through his example of bold leadership and vision.

We continue to pray for those in the Philippines who were devastated by the typhoon. A week before the typhoon, our amazing STS instructor (who leads workshops, plants Oral Bible Schools and tells STS stories on weekly radio programs) wrote us.“

"The pastor of ___ church called me last night and told me that he changed. ‘'I listen to you, and so do other pastors of my denomination. I noticed in your program that you never talk any doctrine. I always try to answer your questions by my doctrines, but I find my doctrines are not in the Bible.'’ [His denomination is not considered by some to be Christian.]

"“My radio program encouraged him to read the Bible. He and those pastors asked me for training so they can learn how to be closer to what the Bible teaches."

Influence that lasts

Few people have this pastor's vision, discernment, and resourcefulness. He doesn't pastor a large church, nor oversee a large network of churches.

Yet, his fruitful influence exceeds more well-known ministries. Why? He practices what Jesus instructed his disciples, "Freely you have received, freely give." (Matt 10:8 NIV)

He doesn't hold on to people or resources. He's willing to cross lines drawn by others to serve and teach whoever is hungry for the truth. (Click to Tweet)

Effective discipleship is color-blind, non-partisan, and inclusive of all ethnicities. (Click to Tweet)

True discipleship ignores cultural barriers and socio-economic status. It is the essence of the Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20). (Click to Tweet)

Discipleship is the practical application of God's love to whoever will receive it. (Click to TweetLove is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking.... (1 Cor 13:4-5 NIV)

This is the heart of God as seen in His Son Jesus, as He discipled those who followed Him.

God's story

Jesus told stories with simplicity and power. The gospel is not a collection of theological truths, but the revelation of God's personal and redemptive love. (Click to Tweet)

The entire Bible is God's redemptive story. All of it, even the parts that are hard to understand or accept. (Click to Tweet)

When we (teachers, pastors, leaders, etc.) reduce God's grand, all-encompassing story of love to propositional truths, we rob it of its power, we corrupt its simplicity. (Click to Tweet) The way Jesus went about His ministry was so simple and powerful, it drew people to Him. (Mark 1:21-28) (Click to Tweet)

No need for improvement

And yet, the church and its leaders keep trying to improve on how ministry is done. Talk about being missional and intentional sounds good. But has the gospel become more relevant? (Click to Tweet)

Have we only managed to complicate it? If so, we've put it out of reach for millions. Make that billions. (http://www.peoplegroups.org/)

The gospel has always been relevant, because it is personal and true, simple and powerful. (Click to Tweet)

How well do you know the gospel? Do you know how to share it with anyone, at anytime, anywhere?

You can't, and you won't, unless you know it in your heart, not just in your mind.

Read it. Hear it. Share it. Then let it become embedded in your daily life as you follow Jesus.

More resources—

Blue Letter Bible– www.blueletterbible.org/

Daily Audio Bible–  http://dailyaudiobible.com/

Orality Network– http://www.orality.net/

Praise Him
