You have not come to a mountain that can be touched and that is burning with fire. You have not come to darkness, sadness, and storms. You have not come to the noise of a trumpet or to the sound of a voice like the one the people of Israel heard and begged not to hear another word.
They did not want to hear the command: “If anything, even an animal, touches the mountain, it must be put to death with stones.” What they saw was so terrible that Moses said, “I am shaking with fear.” (Hebrews 12:18-21 NCV)
The fear of God is often misunderstood. It is typically viewed in one extreme or another. Either abject fear or humble respect. It is an overwhelming awe.
A realization of who God is made Moses tremble, yet drew him up the mountain to meet with God. It is at once a sense of how powerful and personal God truly is. ©Word-Strong_2014