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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Nothing to Brag About

Photo credit: lightstock.com

So do we have any reason to boast about ourselves? No reason at all. And why not? Because we are depending on the way of faith, not on what we have done in following the law.

I mean we are made right with God through faith, not through what we have done to follow the law. This is what we believe.

God is not only the God of the Jews. He is also the God of those who are not Jews. There is only one God. He will make Jews right with him by their faith, and he will also make non-Jews right with him through their faith. So do we destroy the law by following the way of faith? Not at all! In fact, faith causes us to be what the law actually wants. (‭Romans‬ ‭3:‭27-31‬ ERV)

We all brag about something. It could be about what we've done or haven't done. Maybe it's because of who we're related to in some way.

But no one—not one person—has anything to brag about to God. There is nothing we have, can do, or not do that will bring God's approval. Any effort to look good in God's eyes or get into His good graces is futile. It doesn't work that way.

How does it work? When we genuinely and personally trust in Jesus, we do the one right thing He desires. What about God's laws? Jesus fulfilled and took care of it all—once for all. (Matthew 5:17; Colossians 2:14; Hebrews 9:12) ©Word-Strong_2015

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