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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

My Soul Waits

WS-devo_PMSO Lord, out of the depths I call to you. O Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be open to my pleas for mercy. O Lord, who would be able to stand if you kept a record of sins? But with you there is forgiveness so that you can be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and with hope I wait for his word. My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning, more than those who watch for the morning. Put your hope in the Lord, because with the Lord there is mercy and with him there is unlimited forgiveness. (Psalms 130:1-7 GWT) What or who are you waiting for? Whatever your soul longs for there will be no true fulfillment outside of the One who is worth trusting in. ©Word-Strong_2013

A Deep Sleep—part 1

It is Finished!