Loudly, I cry to the Lord. Loudly, I plead with the Lord for mercy. I pour out my complaints in his presence and tell him my troubles. When I begin to lose hope, you [already] know what I am experiencing. I call out to you, O Lord. I say, “You are my refuge, my own inheritance in this world of the living.” Pay attention to my cry for help because I am very weak. Rescue me from those who pursue me because they are too strong for me. Release my soul from prison so that I may give thanks to your name. (Psalms 142:1-3, 5-7 GWT)
Why pray if God already knows our need? It is how we trust Him. We are acknowledging that He is our refuge and all we truly need. It is in our time of need that we see Him as He is, and gain a right perspective. ©Word-Strong_2013