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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page


This is why people are condemned: The light [Jesus] came into the world. Yet, people loved the dark rather than the light because their actions were evil. People who do what is wrong hate the light and don’t come to the light. They don’t want their actions to be exposed. But people who do what is true come to the light so that the things they do for God may be clearly seen. (John 3:19-21 GWT)

We want to know the secrets of others but don’t want ours made known. God knows all secrets, and His desire is to set us free from the darkness that we hide in, with the light of His love and truth. ©DailyDevo2012
