I've introduced a couple of devotional (devo) studies in Proverbs over the past couple weeks. Before I post any further devo studies in Proverbs, I thought it good to give a simple guide to reading and studying the Proverbs (see link below). It's in a PDF so you can download it and use it as a reference.
Although I've researched several different sources, the one reference I go back to often and recommend highly is How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, by Gordon Fee and Douglas Stuart. I find it to be a good, complete, and easy to use reference for understanding the Bible.
This PDF is a distillation of what I've found useful and reliable for reading and studying the Proverbs of Solomon. I hope it will be a help to you as well.
Proverbs Study Guide (click this link to open/download this resource)
Here are a couple of links for background on the book of Proverbs—
Please let me know if this is helpful and if you like these devo studies in Proverbs. Thanks!
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