When my wife was a young child, she thought of herself as a character in a storybook. It was as if someone was turning the pages of a big storybook, as she lived out each day. Have you ever felt like that? Like your life was an open book for others to see?
As a four-year-old, I remember looking up at the night sky in awe. Seeing all the stars made me feel so small. What about you? Do you, or have you ever had, a sense of your smallness within the universe?
When we have a sense that we’re being watched by someone greater than ourself, or a sense of our smallness, it's not an accident or anomaly. (read more)
This is a guest post on Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale's blog. Click here to read the rest– Heart Searched
Next week I'll return to writing an article, as usual. Thanks for reading!