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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

If you’d like to order multiple copies at a discount on any of my books, please get in touch with me via email or the contact form for details!

Here’s my Amazon Author Page

Fear and Blessing

WS-devo_PMSBlessed are all who fear the Lord and live his way. You will certainly eat what your own hands have provided. Blessings to you! May things go well for you! Your wife will be like a fruitful vine inside your home. Your children will be like young olive trees around your table. This is how the Lord will bless the person who fears him. (Psalms 128:1-4 GWT) Fear brings blessing? Not what we expect. It is not a fear of anxiety or terror, but respect and worship. It's a matter of priorities. Blessing follows humility as we honor the Lord. The world around us says the opposite. But when we honor the Lord, blessings will follow. ©Word-Strong_2013

It is Finished!

Skull Hill