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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Everyone Lies

Photo credit: lightstock.com

Have you noticed the similarity between promoters, sales people, and politicians? It's not coincidence. There's a whole psychology to persuasion.

Most of this promotional persuasion flirts with the truth. An element of the truth is buried somewhere in what's said.

It doesn't matter whether it's a product, a used car, some promise, or promotion of a person, much of the sales pitch is exaggeration, or in some cases, an outright lie.

The crazy thing is, we're prone to believe it. We want to believe these lies, because they appeal to our wants, desires, fears, or they hook something else inside us.


For the director of music. Upon the sheminith. A psalm of David.

Save me, Lord, because the good people are all gone; no true believers are left on earth. Everyone lies to his neighbors; they say one thing and mean another. The Lord will stop those flattering lips and cut off those bragging tongues. [vss 1-3]

They say, “Our tongues will help us win. We can say what we wish; no one is our master.” But the Lord says, “I will now rise up, because the poor are being hurt. Because of the moans of the helpless, I will give them the help they want.” [vss 4-5]

The Lord’s words are pure, like silver purified by fire, like silver purified seven times over. Lord, you will keep us safe; you will always protect us from such people. But the wicked are all around us; everyone loves what is wrong. [vss 6-8]

(Psalm 12:1-8 NCV) [Context– Psalm 12]

Key phrase— The Lord’s words are pure, like silver purified by fire

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Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

What is the request of the psalmist? What is his reason for asking this?

What are four things King David says that show "no true believers" are left?

What moves the Lord to "rise up"? Who is He concerned about and why is this so?

How are the words of the Lord described in contrast to everyone else?


It's easy to get caught up in lies and deceit when that's what surrounds you. Emotions and imaginations are stirred easily, and it doesn't take long for cynicism and arrogance to develop.

The only counter for a lie is the truth. Deception is only broken with honesty. The first humans were deceived by a lie, because they wanted to believe something that seemed better than what they knew (Gen 3:1-7).

Without a plumb line of truth, we are easily hooked by a lie. Especially when it appeals to some want or desire buried deep within us. This is the value of the Scriptures. It's our plumb line of truth. It's how we can test everything we hear or are told.

The Lord's words are pure, like silver purified with fire.

If what you read or hear from the world around you doesn't measure up to God's truth, then reject it. Ignore it. God honors and watches over those who hold to the truth and trust in Him.

Make it personal...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

What are some of the persistent lies you encounter day-to-day?

How do you determine what is true and what is a lie?

How do you handle flattery, deception, and bragging by others?

How do you guard your own heart from speaking lies, flattery, and deceit?

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Is This the Will of God?

Destiny or Direction?