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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Do You Hear the Call of Wisdom?

Photo credit: lightstock.com

Some people study for years in pursuit of wisdom. Other people may see themselves as dispensers of wisdom.

Sadly, many people seem to be without wisdom at crucial times in their life. Some even ignored it when it was available.

What about you? Have you heard the call of wisdom? If you did, how did you respond, or did you ignore it?


Wisdom calls to you like someone shouting; understanding raises her voice. On the hilltops along the road and at the crossroads, she stands calling. Beside the city gates, at the entrances into the city, she calls out: “Listen, everyone, I’m calling out to you; I am shouting to all people. You who are uneducated, seek wisdom. You who are foolish, get understanding. [vss 1-5]

Listen, because I have important things to say, and what I tell you is right. What I say is true, I refuse to speak evil. Everything I say is honest; nothing I say is crooked or false. People with good sense know what I say is true; and those with knowledge know my words are right.[vss 6-9]

Choose my teachings instead of silver, and knowledge rather than the finest gold. Wisdom is more precious than rubies. Nothing you could want is equal to it. [vss 19-11]

(Proverbs 8:1-11 NCV) [Context– Proverbs 8:1-36]

Key phrase

Listen, everyone, I'm calling out to you...

Digging Deeper...

  1. How is wisdom personified in the first few verses? What are we told wisdom is doing and where this is happening?
  2. What does wisdom cry out? To whom is she calling to? Does this seem to be in contrast to the seductive adulteress in Chapter 7?
  3. What are seven things than can be gained from heeding wisdom's call? What are we assured is not in her words?
  4. What is wisdom's value compared to? Why should wisdom be pursued rather than these other valuable things?

Make it personal...

Are there times when you've been impetuous and not sought the wisdom of others you can trust?

Are there godly people in your life whom you can seek wisdom?

What is your usual source of wisdom, if you have one?

Has God's written Word become a valuable source of wisdom for you? If not, why not?


A simple, working definition of wisdom is understanding what we have come to know in a useful way. You won't find this is in a dictionary, but I think it's a simple and clear way of viewing it.

Too often wisdom is put in such a lofty sense it seems out of reach for the average person. In Proverbs, as in this chapter, wisdom is extended to anyone who will hear it. Ah, there's the problem—hearing it.

Sometimes we need to shut off the voices around us, like the TV, radio, MP3 player, podcast or whatever, and be still. So many voices vie for our attention, both outside our heads and inside. How can we hear Wisdom's voice unless we stop to listen?

Parable Of The Vineyard- Pt 1

Surrounded, Distracted, Focused