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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Commiserator, Interrogator or Mediator?

Recently, I began reading through Job in my morning devotions. I was not looking forward to it. I've read through it many times and taught through it, but it can be kind of depressing. If you focus too much on the dialog between Job and his so-called comforters, it's a pretty drawn out drama of commiserating and interrogating. It's an ancient way of discussing an issue philosophically, so it may seem tedious. The primary purpose or theme of Job is answering the universal question of "why," when people face suffering, injustice, or simply the consequences of living in a fallen world.

As I began reading Job and then Psalms, following a reading schedule, I began seeing some parallels between the two. Once again I was reminded of the seamless continuity of God's Living Word. Of course, the seamlessness is the result of the Holy Spirit's work. Not only the original writing of the scriptures, but His work in minds and hearts when we're open to His revealing the truth.  One of the themes I saw in both Job and Psalms was a crying out for justice, and for someone to be a mediator between God and man.
Consider the situation for both David (in Psalms) and Job—both felt surrounded by enemies, David actually was and Job felt he was. Job was dealing with friends who had come to comfort him. They began sympathizing with him in silence, but as Job began his monologue lamenting his condition, they began interrogating him rather than just commiserating with him. It's funny how quickly well-intended questioning can become interrogation. I've watched this take place in hospital visits, prayer meetings, and support group meetings—"Are you sure you didn't... maybe if you...," and other unintentional inquisitional queries.
Job is baring his soul, but his friends begin challenging his integrity. As this continues, Job protests by claiming his own rightness and crying out for justice, this brings him to see the need for a mediator—an intercessor between man and God [http://goo.gl/5pkOf]. David also cries out for something similar seeing the need for a ransom to be paid [http://goo.gl/xsMlq]. Once again, we see the beauty of God's Living Word in it's seamless continuity—there is a mediator who pays the ransom for all mankind regardless of their rightness or wrongness—his name is Jesus.
It is innately human to justify and defend our self when being condemned, judged, or accused—even though we know deep in our hearts we aren't so righteous. It is also very human to fall into an accusatory attitude when others are going through some difficulty—for some reason we want to either fix the problem or affix blame for it. But, we aren't God, no one sees things from an eternal perspective except God, and no one has the right to sit in the judgment seat except God—whether in judgment of ourselves or others.
As much as we may want an answer to our question of why, it will persist. This ultimate question will be asked over and over again till we see the eternal judge. Until then, we need a mediator. Yes, of course we have Jesus the perfect mediator between God and man [http://goo.gl/Zke5K], but there are times when we need a human stand in. I know I have needed to be one, as well as have one on many occasions. There are plenty of commiserators and interrogators available, but how many gracious, understanding mediators are there? More pointedly, how would people portray us when they have turned to us for help, comfort, or counsel? Commiserator, interrogator, or mediator?
The only way we can be a gracious and understanding mediator for someone else is spending time with the great Mediator, Jesus. How? For me, I value listening prayer and meditative reading of the Scripture—as Jesus says in many parables and to the seven churches in Revelation, "He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says." When I remove myself (my prideful, selfish self) from the equation, it seems easier to see things from God's perspective.
The mark of experiencing God's grace is humility. This is what I see with Job in the end (Chap 42), as God humbles Job, then restores him, and finally directs him to pray for his friends. The world is needing more gracious mediators like Job, who are true friends—trustworthy and forgiving and faithful representatives of the great mediator, Jesus. God's grace, His loving kindness and sovereign goodness, changes hearts because it is His supernatural work—broadening and penetrating hearts and minds as they lay open and surrendered to Him. That's what I see in Job. Not a perfect man, but certainly a man of integrity. Not a self-righteous man, but humble, gracious, and forgiving. He's a good friend to have and to be like. Wouldn't you like to have someone like him as a friend?

Anomaly, Ambiguity or Ignorance?

Rainbow Reunion on the River