Bittersweet —
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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Long-term missionaries have to get used to a lot of goodbyes, but eventually they have to say their own. The word of the week was "bittersweet," as Mike Yost described how it feels to move on to a new season of life, after several years of ministry and life in the Philippines. Mike, his wife Sheryl, and their son Aaron, along with Karen Tellefson, have been saying a lot of goodbyes the past few weeks.


They've served faithfully at Rainbow Village Ministries in many ways and beyond the Rainbow itself, building lasting friendships. Goodbyes are hard on those who stay and those who go when relationships develop over many years. Everyone at Rainbow will miss them greatly. We appreciate them for doing such a great job over the years, caring for the children and living out the Gospel in many ways beyond Rainbow.


Please keep them in prayer over the next few months, as the transition back into your home culture can be difficult for many reasons. Susan and I know this well, as do our daughters, Becky and Leanna. The Yosts and Karen will be going to different place in CA, but what the future holds is still to be revealed.


If you'd like to leave some greetings and thanks for Mike, Sheryl and Karen, you could post them on the Rainbow FaceBook page [].



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