In the evening, Jesus went to that house with the twelve. While they were all eating, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, one of you will turn against me—one of you eating with me now.” The followers were very sad to hear this.
Each one began to say to Jesus, “I am not the one, am I?”
Jesus answered, “It is one of the twelve—the one who dips his bread into the bowl with me. The Son of Man will die, just as the Scriptures say.
But how terrible it will be for the person who hands the Son of Man over to be killed. It would be better for him if he had never been born.” (Mark 14:17-21 NCV)
Betrayal is only honored among those whose hearts are full of darkness. The book, Peace Child
by Don Richardson, illustrates this well. The idea of betrayal was inconceivable for the other apostles. Why did Judas do it? Jesus didn't measure up to Judas' expectations of a Messiah.
What are your expectations for Jesus? If they're not met, would you betray Him or turn your back on Him? Trusting Jesus must extend beyond our own expectations. ©Word-Strong_2015