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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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An Internal Plumb Line

Photo credit: lightstock.com

A building needs a level and solid foundation, so that everything built upon it will stand. Everything built upon it must be measured against a plumb line— the vertical level that is square to the horizontal level.

What is the plumb line for your life? What enables you to stand firm and move forward in a good and true way?


Then you will understand what is honest and fair and what is the good and right thing to do. Wisdom will come into your mind, and knowledge will be pleasing to you. Good sense will protect you; understanding will guard you.

It will keep you from the wicked, from those whose words are bad, who don’t do what is right but what is evil. They enjoy doing wrong and are happy to do what is crooked and evil. What they do is wrong, and their ways are dishonest. It will save you from the unfaithful wife who tries to lead you into adultery with pleasing words.

But wisdom will help you be good and do what is right. Those who are honest will live in the land, and those who are innocent will remain in it. But the wicked will be removed from the land, and the unfaithful will be thrown out of it. (Proverbs 2:9-16; 20-22 NCV) [Context– Proverbs Chap 2]

Key phrase

Wisdom will come into your mind, and knowledge will be pleasing to you. Good sense will protect you; understanding will guard you.

Digging Deeper...

  1. What are the benefits of getting the understanding that comes from gaining wisdom?
  2. How, in a general sense, will gaining wisdom be a protection? What can it protect us from?
  3. How does wisdom become a plumb line of guidance for a person's life?
  4. What are the far-reaching benefits of gaining wisdom, and consequences for ignoring it?

Make it personal...

Where do you find wisdom, or do you pursue it all? Are the Scriptures a plumb line for your life?

Since it's a matter of wise choices that bring understanding, how will you begin to pursue this wisdom?

How committed are you to gain wisdom and receive its benefits? What will you do to gain wisdom?


The Proverbs contain general truisms rather than iron-clad promises or guarantees (see Proverbs Study Guide). The key to gaining the benefits of wisdom is to have knowledge combined with understanding. The Proverbs are not just rules or theories for having a good life, but practical guidance for a better life. These guidelines lead to understanding for making wise choices in life.

Only A Shadow

Who Wants to Be Great?