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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

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Abba! Father!

Photo credit: lightstock.com Certainly, all who are guided by God’s Spirit are God’s children. You haven’t received the spirit of slaves that leads you into fear again. Instead, you have received the spirit of God’s adopted children by which we call out, “Abba! Father!”

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.

If we are his children, we are also God’s heirs. If we share in Christ’s suffering in order to share his glory, we are heirs together with him. (‭Romans‬ ‭8:‭14-17‬ GW)

My wife and I have seen and experienced adoption from two points of view. We've seen well over a hundred adoptions while in the Philippines. We've witnessed the bonding and union between adoptive parents and children. It's powerful and defies description, but it's genuine.

We also experienced our own adoption into God's family. It also was powerful, genuine, and beyond description.

Human family adoptions are very personal and not without their struggles. Spiritual adoptions into the family of God are the same—personal and with some struggles. The struggles come as we go through an internal transformation.

When a person has a genuine relationship with God, they know God as "Father." They experience an intimate, internal, spiritual communication with the Father. This is why we cry "Abba," which loosely translates from the ancient Aramaic as, "Daddy" or "Papa!"

When we come into a personal trust relationship with God, we're set free from fear and the power of sin, and our inner heart calls out to God as Father. There are struggles along the way, but this is expected.

God holds nothing back from us. We are freely accepted into His family, and we need to fully embrace Him as our Father. ©Word-Strong_2016

A Shelter and a Refuge

Relational Interruptions