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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

My latest book is available on Amazon! Mystery of the Gospel (Revised and Updated Version)

Contact me for a signed copy @ $10– (plus a $4– charge for postage)

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A Rekindled Vision

MPR_CCBCP Not quite two weeks ago, I posted about my recent ministry time in the Philippines. This is somewhat of a follow-up post that includes what I recently shared with those on my mailing list.

I just returned from a couple of weeks in the Philippines. It was a great time reconnecting with the ministry of Calvary Chapel Bible College (Philippines) and everyone there. I taught a class and several other messages during the first week. I also shared messages with the church body at Calvary Chapel Dumaguete City, and at the House of Jesus (a church plant in a nearby town).

The second week was focused on the 20th anniversary of the Bible college. It was great to see returning alumni and reconnecting with pastor friends I hadn't seen in several years. In talking with alumni and staff, and the director and president of the college, something was rekindled in my heart.

Rekindled vision

My heart was stirred in a fresh way for the need to equip pastors and leaders, not only through the Bible college, but through extension campuses and IBS workshops. This was confirmed further as I met with Ptr Jing (CCBCP director) and Ptr Jimmy Morales of CC Lone Mountain.

On my way back to the US, I passed through Manila and was able to meet up with Ptr Lito and Cecile for dinner. We talked about the need for an extension campus up in Manila and in other areas of Luzon (largest island).

Extension campuses

LIto-CecileThis is an important part of the rekindled vision in my heart. Currently, there is one extension campus, near the main campus of the school in Dumaguete City. However, none exist in the Luzon area at this time.

The extension campuses can be regional centers for equipping leaders and workers for ministry. The curriculum will be a condensed version of what is offered at the main campus.

Courses can be offered on Friday nights and Saturdays, so those attending can still do ministry in their home place. Pastors in the area can be the teachers. The courses would be text-based inductive study with the pastors providing instruction and practical insights.

Vision for my role

A part of the role I can play is helping these campuses get set up, and to provide training and encouragement for the teachers. I also need to work on the condensed curriculum, most of which I can do in my home office in FL.

Am I planning to move back to the Philippines? No, but I do believe I need to travel over to the Philippines and Thailand at least once or twice a year. I also have a heart to do some training in other countries, but that will come later.

In order to pursue this rekindled vision for ministry overseas, I need to raise support for travel and ministry expenses. If you'd like to partner with me in this venture, you can give online or via regular mail. Thank you!

Please send support to Shepherd's Staff to my account (511) and designate for Ministry Travel. I also appreciate (and need) monthly support for my continued ministry with Poimen Ministries, which can also be sent via my Shepherd's Staff account.

Thank you for those who already support me in prayer and funds! I appreciate you a lot, and count you as partners in the ministry God gives me to do.

Transitions in Life and Ministry

Not Even One