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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Time, Fairness, and Wisdom

"It's not fair!" How many times have moms and dads heard this from their children? It's the usual preface to a complaint related to some disciplinary restriction or denial of a request.

It can be both comical and annoying when a child says it. But when an adult says it, there's usually another meaning, which boils down to—things should be done my way, or seen from my viewpoint.

Many things in this life are unfair, far beyond petty, childish claims of injustice. Some people claim to be victims and maintain a victimized persona, even when they've brought trouble upon themselves.

Tens of thousands in the world are true victims of injustice, who often go unheard and unnoticed. Sadly, their cries for help may be silenced by those who insist on their own way.


I also saw other things in this life that were not fair. The fastest runner does not always win the race; the strongest soldier does not always win the battle; wise people don’t always get the food; smart people don’t always get the wealth; educated people don’t always get the praise they deserve. When the time comes, bad things can happen to anyone! You never know when hard times will come. Like fish in a net or birds in a snare, people are often trapped by some disaster that suddenly falls on them. [vss 11-12]

I also saw a person doing a wise thing in this life, and it seemed very important to me.There was a small town with a few people in it. A great king fought against that town and put his armies all around it. But there was a wise man in that town. He was poor, but he used his wisdom to save his town. After everything was finished, the people forgot about the poor man.But I still say that wisdom is better than strength. They forgot about the poor man’s wisdom, and the people stopped listening to what he said. But I still believe that wisdom is better. [vss 13-16]

Words spoken by the wise are heard more clearly

than those shouted by a leader among fools.

Wisdom is better than weapons of war,

but one fool

can destroy much good.

[vss 17-18]

(Ecclesiastes 9:11-18 GW) [Context– Ecclesiastes 9]

Key phrase—Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one fool can destroy much good.

[bctt tweet="Wisdom is better than weapons of war, but one fool can destroy much good."]

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

What are some things noted as unfair in these verses?

What are two things than can happen to anybody over time?

What is the injustice done in the story of the wise man and the city?

In the face of injustice, what does King Solomon claim is better? Why?


When injustice exists, someone or some thing is the cause. Inordinate amounts of time and energy are often spent on assigning blame and finding fault.

This blame-game plays out in households and within businesses, but also escalates into national and global scenarios.

By far, more time is spent shouting about injustice than resolving it. Loud-mouthed fools may hold center stage for a time, but wisdom will prevail. The One who is all-wise will see to it.

Make it personal...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

When have you seen true injustice? Did you do anything to help resolve it?

How have you handled what appears to be unfairness or an unjust situation in your own life?

Do you seek ways to move beyond what seems unjust or unfair in life?

How do you react when you see injustice? Do you complain about it, or are you moved with compassion to do something about it?

Dead Flies and Foolishness

Life Before Death