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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Things We Can't Understand

It's said that curiosity killed the cat. Perhaps. But curiosity is a driving force in life and for scientific discoveries.

If we never risked looking beyond the obvious and status quo, there would be no significant progress in what's important to our lives now.

Still, many things remain unknown and beyond our grasp to understand. Could this be intentional on God's part? If so, why?


When a sentence against a crime isn’t carried out quickly, people are encouraged to commit crimes. A sinner may commit a hundred crimes and yet live a long life. Still, I know with certainty that it will go well for those who fear God, because they fear him. But it will not go well for the wicked. They will not live any longer. Their lives are like shadows, because they don’t fear God. [vss 11-13]

There is something being done on earth that is pointless. Righteous people suffer for what the wicked do, and wicked people get what the righteous deserve. I say that even this is pointless. So I recommend the enjoyment [of life]. People have nothing better to do under the sun than to eat, drink, and enjoy themselves. This joy will stay with them while they work hard during their brief lives which God has given them under the sun. [vss 14-15]

When I carefully considered how to study wisdom and how to look at the work that is done on earth (even going without sleep day and night), then I saw everything that God has done. No one is able to grasp the work that is done under the sun. However hard a person may search for it, he will not find [its meaning]. Even though a wise person claims to know, he is not able to grasp it. [vss 16-17]

(Ecclesiastes 8:11-17 GW) [Context– Ecclesiastes 8]

Key phrase—No one is able to grasp the work that is done under the sun

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Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

What seems to be the result when there's no consequence to a crime?

What is said to be the benefit for those who fear God over those who don't?

What is recommended as a break from hard work? Do you agree with this? Why or why not?

What will remain beyond the understanding of the wisest people? Why?


I'm thankful for people who were curious for the benefit of all humanity. Think of the things we use every day that didn't exist fifty years ago. How about 500 years ago?

It's hard to comprehend the rapid advance of modern technology over the past few decades. Most of us can't keep up with it all. Yet with all these advances, humanity has not solved the problem of violence and evil in the world. Theories exist for resolving these problems, but they go unchecked in many parts of the world today.

Some things remain beyond our understanding, like how to cure cancer or HIV/AIDS. Other things seem to defy solutions, such as human evil, violence, and hatred.

Why would God allow this?

If no mystery existed, most everyone would be complacent and apathetic about such things. We would have no wonder or awe. We would see no need for a relationship with God.

Make it personal...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

How do you view injustices in the world? Do you see them as humanity's problem, or God's neglect or indifference?

Have you ever suffered wrong or injustice? If so, how did you handle it?

Are you able to disengage from work and the problems of the world to enjoy life?

When you can't understand things in life, are you able to trust these things to God?

Life Before Death

When the Timing Is Right