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Thanksgiving and National Harmony

As we approach this Thanksgiving holiday weekend, many people are thankful the presidential election is over. Not everyone is happy about the outcome, as evidenced by protests in some cities.

Some, maybe most of us, are just glad this contentious presidential campaign finally came to an end. Now we wait to see what the next year will bring.

A better perspective

Is there another, better perspective on all this? There is. Here is the apostle Paul's exhortation to a young leader he mentored for many years—

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. (1 Tim 2:1-2 NLT)

Here is the key to a better perspective—prayer is more powerful, beneficial, and productive than protests. Not only will it accomplish more, it will bring a genuine harmony.

This exhortation begins with prayer and thanksgiving for everyone. This alone will change hearts. It will change our own heart first.

No sides 

How does this work in our present circumstances? Whether your sentiments are with or against the protests, genuinely praying for those you disagree with will bring change.

This alone will change our own perspective and attitude towards one another. We can eliminate choosing sides while respecting each other's right to have their opinion.

Then we can turn our attention in prayer towards all those in authority, not just nationally, but locally as well.

This, as simple as it sounds, will lead to genuine harmony in our own hearts, with others within our nation, and it will honor the Lord.

May thanksgiving in our hearts extend beyond the celebration of a national holiday to everyone in our nation!

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