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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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Missed Cues and Ignorance Due to Blindness

During the time of Jesus’ presence on earth, the leaders of Israel had limited vision. Their vision was earthbound as is ours much of the time. But this isn’t what made them blind to see Jesus for who He is.

Their blindness was due to forgetting who had chosen them to be His people and why He chose them—their purpose as God’s chosen people ( Exodus 6:6-8; Isaiah 49:6).

Israel exchanged their God-given vision for the Kingdom of God on earth for a prideful and nationalistic vision for themselves. They were expecting a Messianic leader who would lead the Jewish people to overthrow the Roman government’s occupation of Israel.

But the Father sent Jesus as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world—to provide redemption for all humanity.

The Jewish leaders lost sight of this greater purpose of God. They were blinded by their own self-righteousness—their religious sense of righteousness gained by their own efforts to keep the Law of Moses.

This is something present-day believers need to guard against. It’s easy for any of us to become so focused on our daily lives in this life that we lose sight of God’s purpose for our life here on earth and for eternity.


Jesus spoke to the Pharisees again. He said, “I’m going away, and you’ll look for me. But you will die because of your sin. You can’t go where I’m going.” Then the Jews asked, “Is he going to kill himself? Is that what he means when he says, ‘You can’t go where I’m going’?”

Jesus said to them, “You’re from below. I’m from above. You’re from this world. I’m not from this world. For this reason I told you that you’ll die because of your sins. If you don’t believe that I am the one, you’ll die because of your sins.” [vss 21-24]

The Jews asked him, “Who did you say you are?” Jesus told them, “I am who I said I was from the beginning. I have a lot I could say about you and a lot I could condemn you for. But the one who sent me is true. So I tell the world exactly what he has told me.” (The Jews didn’t know that he was talking to them about the Father.) [vss 25-27]

So Jesus told them, “When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you’ll know that I am the one and that I can’t do anything on my own. Instead, I speak as the Father taught me. Besides, the one who sent me is with me. He hasn’t left me by myself. I always do what pleases him.” [vss 28-29]

(John 8:21-29 GW)

Key phrase—

“You’re from below. I’m from above. You’re from this world. I’m not from this world.”

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

  • What are two significant things Jesus says to the Pharisees?

  • What else does Jesus tell the Pharisees about how they are different than Him?

  • What does Jesus say these people need to do fi they don’t want to die because of their sins?

  • How do the Pharisees and Jewish leaders respond to all Jesus says to them?


Our true priorities in life are often revealed by our resistance to the truth of God and our insistence on our selfish will. What we claim as our beliefs and values don’t always line up with our words and the actions of our daily lives.

This was the problem for the Jewish leaders that Jesus confronts. They were convinced of their own righteousness as evidence of their obedience to God and His Law. But Jesus confronted them about their sin of self-righteousness and unbelief.

Why was there such a disconnect in all the discussions Jesus had with the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders?

The Pharisees were so convinced of their own rightness and invested in their own priorities, they couldn’t understand what Jesus said to them and all that He taught.

They also couldn’t accept Jesus as the Son of God. He didn’t fit their expectations.

This is the primary reason the Pharisees and other Jewish leaders brought judgment upon themselves and the nation of Israel, as we’re told in the Gospel of Luke—

The time will come when enemy armies will… level you to the ground and kill your people. One stone will not be left on top of another, because you didn’t recognize the time when God came to help you.” (Luke 19:43-44 GW)

The Pharisees and other Jewish leaders and people were so focused on what they wanted and expected, they were blind to what God was doing. They couldn’t accept Jesus as the Son of God.

We are all prone to this kind of blindness. When we are focused on what we want, or whatever our expectations may be of life or of God, we create a spiritual fog for ourselves. This causes us to become blind to what may be right in front of us and to how the Lord is trying to guide us.

Are you so focused on what you want or expect that you’ve become blind to what the Lord has planned or wants for you?

Taking it to heart...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

  • What do the Pharisees question Jesus about and what does Jesus tell them?

  • Why do you think the Pharisees had such difficulty accepting Jesus as the Son of God?

  • What are specific ways you struggle with choosing between your own selfish will and what the Lord desires for you to do?

  • Is the highest priority in your life to please the Lord and do His will or your own will?

Personalize it...

Meditate On This— Our true priorities in life are revealed by our resistance to the truth of God and our insistence on our selfish will. When we’re focused on what we want or expect, we put ourselves in a spiritual fog that blinds us to what the Lord’s will and desire are for us.

Prayer Focus— When you struggle with expectations and your selfish will, as we all do, seek the Lord in prayer. Ask the Lord to help you see things as they are and how to clear whatever is getting in the way of you seeing this.


The Truth Will Set You Free

Holding on to Darkness and Resisting the Light