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Hi! I’m Trip Kimball

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A Turning Point

It’s become somewhat popular for people to declare to the world—on various social media platforms—when they are leaving the church or Christianity. I’ve read many of these stories, even responded to a few at times. I find similar themes in all of them.

Some have valid reasons and concerns that need to be addressed and resolved. But some, perhaps many, are centered around personal disappointments with a church or issue the church doesn’t handle well.

I understand these disappointments, I’ve had many of them myself. But I’ve chosen to continue following Jesus and stay involved in a local church—the Body of Christ. I’m part of the church, His Body, because I follow Jesus.

It really comes down to the expectations a person has about church, Christianity, and Jesus. Most of these expectations are based on personal preferences or misunderstandings and ignorance. This isn’t new to our time and culture. It was the same when Jesus lived on earth, as told in this last part of John Chapter 6.


Jesus said this while he was teaching in a synagogue in Capernaum. When many of Jesus’ disciples heard him, they said, “What he says is hard to accept. Who wants to listen to him anymore?”

Jesus was aware that his disciples were criticizing his message. So Jesus asked them, “Did what I say make you lose faith? What if you see the Son of Man go where he was before? [vss 59-62]

Life is spiritual. Your physical existence doesn’t contribute to that life. The words that I have spoken to you are spiritual. They are life. But some of you don’t believe.”

Jesus knew from the beginning those who wouldn’t believe and the one who would betray him. So he added, “That is why I told you that people cannot come to me unless the Father provides the way.”

Jesus’ speech made many of his disciples go back to the lives they had led before they followed Jesus. [vss 63-66]

So Jesus asked the twelve apostles, “Do you want to leave me too?”

Simon Peter answered Jesus, “Lord, to what person could we go? Your words give eternal life. Besides, we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”

Jesus replied, “I chose all twelve of you. Yet, one of you is a devil.” Jesus meant Judas, son of Simon Iscariot. Judas, who was one of the twelve apostles, would later betray Jesus. [vss 67-71]

(John 6:59-71 GW)

Key phrase—

“Your words give eternal life…we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.”

Digging Deeper...

Review the Scriptures above as you answer the following questions

  • Where does this teaching about Jesus as the Bread of Life take place?

  • Who has difficulty with what Jesus says?

  • What does Jesus say about those who criticized and grumbled about what He taught?

  • What is the response of some of His followers and of those closest to Him?


In all our lives, we experience certain turning points. Some are subtle or seem to be gradual, while others are pronounced and obvious. This story in John Chapter 6 is one of those turning points in the lives of those who followed Jesus.

This doesn’t take Jesus by surprise. He expected it. But it does take others by surprise. Their faith is shaken. We all ought to expect our faith to be shaken or tested. In fact, the shaking of a person’s faith is often what separates casual followers from true followers of Jesus.

Why? Because our faith needs to be based on a solid foundation. The only solid foundation is Jesus. This is revealed in the response of the closest followers of Jesus, as Peter declares—

“Lord, to what person could we go? Your words give eternal life.”

The apostles and closest followers believed in the teaching of Jesus because they believed and trusted in Him. Though they might not understand all Jesus said, the disciples were confident in who He was and were personally committed to following Him.

This is real Christianity—to follow Jesus.

It’s really all Jesus asked of anyone who wanted to follow Him (Matt 16:24). It’s the same today. Our faith needs to be grounded in Him. Our relationship of trust is in Him not just what we believe about Him or our understanding of His teaching.

Jesus is the reference point and focus of our faith.

Taking it to heart...

Read through the Scripture text again as you consider and answer these questions

  • What does Jesus say about life in general and His words?

  • Why do some of the Lord’s followers stop following Him?

  • What does Peter say in response to Jesus’ question about leaving Him?

  • What two things does Peter say about the words of Jesus and who He is?

  • If you claim to be a follower of Jesus, what is your faith based on and why?

Personalize it...

Meditate On This— The apostles and closest followers believed in the teaching of Jesus because they believed and trusted in Him. They were confident in who He was and were personally committed to following Him. The same is to be true for all Jesus followers.

Prayer Focus— If you have difficulty understanding what Jesus says or other things in the Bible, ask God for discernment and insight. Ask for help to trust in Him even when you don’t understand the truth of God’s Word until He gives you that insight.


Now Is Not the Right Time

I Am the Bread of Life